In English

Translation Grants – For Translation to Swedish of Works by Authors Who Write in a Different Language

About the Grants
Region Västra Götaland’s Cultural Affairs Committee established a new translation grants programme in autumn 2015. The aim of the programme is to make it easier for writers with an immigrant background to make a living and to give them increased visibility. It will also make it more financially viable for publishers to invest in authors who are not yet known in Sweden and who write in a language other than Swedish. The regional grants programme comprised SEK 200,000 SEK to be distributed during 2024. Publishers may apply for a translation grant if they plan to publish works by authors who are resident in the Västra Götaland region and whose mother tongue is not Swedish and whose work is about to be translated into Swedish.

Who Can Apply?
Registered publishers, dailies and magazines with a proven publishing record are eligible to apply. The publisher/editor applies for the grant with the author. The grant is in conjunction with translation and is not intended to pay for other costs associated with the book/article production. Applications may also be made with a view to digital publishing. The author must be resident or registered in the Västra Götaland region. Priority will be given to works that have already been published in their original language. If the work has not been published, an original manuscript must be submitted together with the application.

The Application Must Include:

  • A short presentation of the work (including the scope of the original manuscript), motivation for publishing and a test translation of at least 10 pages of A4.
  • A short presentation of the translator’s credentials.
  • A short presentation of the author’s credentials.
  • A short presentation of the publisher’s track record.
  • A budget that includes the amount applied for. The budget must be based on Sveriges författarförbund’s (the Swedish Writers’ Union’s) recommended minimum fee scale and the scope of the work.
  • A copy of a signed contract between the publisher and the author.
  • A copy of a signed contract between the publisher and the translator.

Period of Application
Applications will be accepted between September 1st and October 31st 2024. Coming applications should be sent electronically to

Test Translation Grants 

In addition to translation grants, applications can also be made for test translation grants. The aim of the test translation grant is to make it easier for authors to present their work to potential publishers and thus to pave the way for a translation grant for the whole work.

Who Can Apply?

  • Authors who are registered in the Västra Götaland region and write in a mother tongue other than Swedish.

Conditions for the Awarding of a Grant

  • The translator has professional experience.
  • The translator’s mother tongue is Swedish or the translator works in partnership with a proofreader/translator whose mother tongue is Swedish.
  • The work is translated from the language in which the work was originally written.

How Much Can I Apply for?
Applications for a test translation grant require submission of ten pages of literary work. The amount that can be applied for is fixed to SEK 10,000.

The Application Must Include:

  • A short presentation of the author’s credentials.
  • A short presentation of the translator’s credentials.
  • The translator’s post/bank giro account or bank account details to be used for any payment.
  • A short description of the work and how the test translation will be used.
  • Confirmation that the rights holder has given permission for the work to be translated. (For example, a letter from the author to the translator.)

Period of Application
Applications will be accepted between September 1st and October 31st 2024. Coming applications should be sent electronically to

Decisions on applications are usually announced during December.

The grant will be paid once the finished test translation has been sent to us in electronic form. Send the translation to:

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information!